Climate Learning Across State Systems
Council of State Science Supervisors
As part of the ACESSE research-practice partnership I have become an affiliate member of the Council of State Science Supervisors. In this role I am the research collaborator to several committees including both the Access and Equity and the Climate Change Education Policy committees. I am honored to serve in this capacity.
Climate Change Education (2021), co-writer of the Climate Change Education Position Statement and research partner for the Climate Change and Sustainability Education, Council of State Science Supervisors.
Racial Justice Statement. (2020). Co-writer, Access and Equity Committee, Council of State Science Supervisors. Retrieve from
Position Statement on Equity and Access to Science Education. (March 14, 2018). Co-writer, Access and Equity Committee, Council of State Science Supervisors. Retrieve from
Related Presentation
Morrison, D. (2021). Fostering systemic climate justice education. Invited session at the national meeting of the Council of State Science Supervisors, held virtually April 4-7, 2021.
Climate Generation National Stay-In-Institute
As part of my US ACE collaborations, I have also worked with Climate Generation as part of their Stay-In-stitute.
Professional Learning
Actions within Institutions and Classrooms for Desettling Structural Racism. Designed and delivered learning session at the Stay-In-Institute for Climate Change Education, held virtually out of Minneapolis, MN, USA on July 22-24, 2020.
Related Presentation
Morrison, D., Cintron, I., Kretzer, J., & Poppleton, K. (2020). Implementing the Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) agenda at multiple scales to accelerate climate action. Session in the United Nations Climate Dialogues RINGO side events. Held on December 4, 2020 as part of events between November 23-December 4, 2020. See with details at
Washington State
Citizens Climate Assembly
In the fall of 2020, I was invited to share research and practice on climate justice education with Washington state's first Citizens Climate Assembly. As the effort organized, listening sessions were scheduled for early 2021 in a virtual forum.
Related Presentation
Morrison, D. (2021). Learning - To accelerate climate justice action. Washington’s Climate Assembly, Presented in learning session 2, January 19, 2021. Retrieve from beginning at time stamp 53:38.
Climate Teacher Ed Collaborative
In the fall of 2020, Gov. Jay Inslee wrote into his new 2021-23 proposed budget a $600,000 proposal for the career development of pre-service teachers with relation to climate learning. The proviso supports the Institute of Science Education at the University of Washington to coordinate this work across education programs across Washington state. In
The Washington state legislature approved this funding in late April, 2021 with the following language:
Climate Science Education
"Funds are provided for the Institute for Science and Math Education to collaborate with teacher preparation programs and the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop an open access climate science educational curriculum for use in teacher preparation programs. (General Fund-State) (Ongoing)" (WA 2021 Budget, p.390)
Follow us on Twitter @ClimateEdTools
In 2018, Dr. Philip Bell and myself were invited into a research-practice partnership with the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) for the state of Washington to help design and implement the Washington State legislative proviso originally requested by Governor Jay Inslee to support science teacher training, linking the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and climate science. This initiative was branded ClimeTime during the first year of work and is ongoing.
The work across this effort has been emergent during the past few years and has included:
Collaboratively designing and facilitating network professional learning meetings.
Coordinating and co-writing project portrait briefs. Available at
Designing and facilitating the Assessment Working Group to develop equitable formative assessment measures of learning and engagement.
Coordinate and write briefings and research papers about the effort.
Professional Learning
Ever expanding activities through to today, see vita for current items.
ClimeTime Book Group – All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis with Dr. Phil Bell and Nancy Price. Co-facilitated and designed extended learning activity around book with science educators and leaders.
Clime Time Design Institute, with Dr. Ellen Ebert, Elizabeth Schmitz, Cheryl Lydon, Dr. Philip Bell, & Rachel Han. Co-facilitated and co-designed workshop on equitable science education including climate justice in the WA Clime Time proviso work. To be held virtually on March 16-17, 2021.
Clime Time Design Institute, with Dr. Ellen Ebert, Elizabeth Schmitz, Cheryl Lydon, Dr. Philip Bell, & Rachel Han. Co-facilitated and co-designed workshop on equitable science education including climate justice in the WA Clime Time proviso work. Held virtually on November 18-19, 2020.
ClimeTime Assessment Working Group 2020-21, Design Session II, with Jeff Ryan & Tom Hathorne. Convenes a group of 15 or so teachers and assessment design specialists to create model formative assessments for the WA ClimeTime initiative. To be held across a 10 week period virtually Spring 2021.
ClimeTime Assessment Working Group 2020-21, Design Session I, with Jeff Ryan & Tom Hathorne. Convened a group of 15 or so teachers and assessment design specialists to create model formative assessments for the WA ClimeTime initiative. Held across a 10 week period virtually, Fall 2020.
Clime Time Design Institute, with Dr. Ellen Ebert, Elizabeth Schmitz, Cheryl Lydon, Dr. Philip Bell, & Rachel Han. Co-facilitated and co-designed workshop on equitable science education including climate justice in the WA Clime Time proviso work. Held virtually on July 21-23, 2020.
ClimeTime Virtual Conference II, with Dr. Ellen Ebert, Elizabeth Schmitz, Cheryl Lydon, & Sabrina Wade. Co-designed and developed virtual learning conference ( Held virtually between May 18-20, 2020.
Elementary Assessment for Climate Learning, with Jodi Crimmins. Co-designed and facilitated session within the ClimeTime Virtual Conference II. Held virtually, May 20, 2020.
Climate Change Education Resources for Educators: Curricula and Professional Learning, with Frank Niepold & Kristen Poppleton. Co-designed and facilitated session within the ClimeTime Virtual Conference II. Held virtually May 20, 2020.
ClimeTime Virtual Conference II, with Dr. Ellen Ebert, Elizabeth Schmitz, Cheryl Lydon, & Sabrina Wade. Co-designed and developed virtual learning conference ( Held virtually April 27 & 29, 2020.
Elementary Assessment for Climate Learning, with Jodi Crimmins. Co-designed and facilitated session within the ClimeTime Virtual Conference I. Held virtually April 27, 2020.
Climate Science 101 for Elementary Teachers, with Rachel Han, Katie Boyd, Alicia Christensen, & Anne Gold. Co-designed and facilitated session within the ClimeTime Virtual Conference I. Held virtually April 27, 2020.
ClimeTime Assessment Working Group Design Sessions, with Jeff Ryan. Convened a group of approximately 20 teachers and assessment design specialists to create model formative assessments for the WA ClimeTime initiative. Held across the year both in person and virtually 2019-20.
Clime Time Spring Sharing Institute, with Dr. Ellen Ebert, Elizabeth Schmitz, Cheryl Lydon, & Dr. Philip Bell. Co-facilitated and co-designed workshop on equitable science education including climate justice in the WA Clime Time proviso work. Held virtually on March 13-14, 2020.
Clime Time Design Institute, with Dr. Ellen Ebert, Elizabeth Schmitz, & Dr. Philip Bell. Co-facilitated and co-designed workshop on equitable science education including climate justice in the WA Clime Time proviso work. Held in Seattle, WA, USA on November 13-14, 2019.
Clime Time Design Institute, with Dr. Ellen Ebert, Dr. Amber McCulloch, & Dr. Philip Bell. Co-facilitated and co-designed workshop on equitable science education including climate justice for launch of year 2 of the WA Clime Time proviso work. Held in Anacortes, WA, USA on July 30-31, 2019.
Clime Time Data Festival, with Dr. Philip Bell, Dr. Ellen Ebert, & Dr. Amber McCulloch. Co-facilitated and co-designed workshop on equitable science education including climate justice within the WA Clime Time proviso work. Held in Seattle, WA, USA at SeaTac on March 14-15, 2019.
Clime Time Design Institute, with Dr. Philip Bell, Dr. Ellen Ebert, & Dr. Amber McCulloch. Co-facilitated and co-designed workshop on equitable science education including climate justice within the WA Clime Time proviso work. Held in Seattle, WA, USA at SeaTac on January 9, 2019.
Clime Time Assessment Workshop, with Dr. Philip Bell. Co-facilitated and co-designed workshop on collaboratively designing assessments for student learning. Held at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA on Aug.29-30, 2018.
Clime Time Design Institute, with with Dr. Philip Bell, Dr. Ellen Ebert, & Dr. Amber McCulloch. Co-facilitated and co-designed workshop on equitable science education including climate justice for launch of WA Clime Time proviso work. Held in Seattle, WA, USA at SeaTac on July 9-10, 2018.
Adapting Units to Expand 3-Dimensional Learning, Middle school course for ClimeTime. Designed and facilitated a professional learning sequence for middle school teachers within the Kent School District to explore implementation of equity and justice in science learning contexts. Part of the WA ClimeTime effort in collaboration with ESD121. Held at the Kent School District learning center, March-June 2019. Retrieve from
Related Publications
Ebert, E., Schmitz, E., Lydon, C., Morrison, & Bell, P. (2020). Network design and support: Implementing NGSS-aligned and climate science learning in Washington. Portrait of Practice, ClimeTime.
Ebert, E., Schmitz, E., Lydon, C., Morrison, & Bell, P. (2020). COVID-19 adaptations to support the ClimeTime network. Project Portrait, ClimeTime.
Ruskey, A. (2018). Launching K-12 climate science literacy to scale in Washington state. Green Schools Catalyst, V(4), December, 2018. Retrieved from
Related Presentations
Han, R., Upadhyay, P., Meyer, S., & Morrison, D. (2021). Justice-centered climate learning within a networked community of practice. Session in symposium, “Designing learning for just and resilient climate action”, for National Association for Research on Science Teaching, April 7-10, 2021 virtual conference.
Ebert, E., Schmitz, E., Morrison, D., & Bell, P. (2021). Climate science education: A state’s journey. A Council of State Science Supervisors (CSSS) Session at the National Science Teachers Association, April 8-11, 2021, Chicago, IL, USA. Being held virtually. [Conference Postponed]
Morrison, D., Kretzer, J., Cintron, I., & Poppleton, K. (2020). Implementing Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) to accelerate climate action. UN FCCC Climate Dialogues - RINGO Side Event, November 23-December 4, 2020, held virtually.
Han, R., Guevara, C., Rhinehart, A., Morrison, D., & Bell, P. (2020). Engaging in climate science education through connections to everyday life, equity, and justice. Washington and Oregon Science Teachers’ Association Joint Meeting, October 9-10, 2020 virtually.
Ebert, E., Morrison, D., Schmitz, E., & Bell, P. (2020). Climate justice: Washington’s ClimeTime Initiative efforts to center equity in science education. Washington and Oregon Science Teachers’ Association Joint Meeting, October 9-10, 2020 virtually.
Han, R. & Morrison, D. (2020). Designing climate science education in elementary learning communities. Washington and Oregon Science Teachers’ Association Joint Meeting, October 9-10, 2020 virtually.
Ebert, E., Schmitz, E., Morrison, D., & Bell, P. (2020). Climate justice: Washington’s ClimeTime initiative efforts to center equity in science education. Presentation to the Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) on July 7, 2020, virtually on the networks’ Teleconference calls.
Poppleton, K., Kirkland, L., Bhattacharya, D., Pyle, E., Ebert, E., Morrison, D., & Abshire, W. (2020). Building the national strategy for Action for Climate Empowerment: K-12 Teacher Professional Development. Invited panelist for national listening series around ACE organized by CLEAN, specifically Frank Niepold, held on April 28, 2020, virtually through the Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Teleconference calls.
Ebert, E., Schmitz, E., Morrison, D., & Bell, P. (2020). Climate justice: Washington’s ClimeTime initiative efforts to center equity in science education. Presentation to the Education, Communication, and Outreach (ECOS; network May 13, 2020, virtually as part of their ECOS Community Calls.
Ebert, E., Schmitz, E., Morrison, D., & Bell, P. (2020). Climate justice: Washington’s ClimeTime initiative efforts to center equity in science education. Presentation to the Washington Educational Research Association (WERA) April 28, 2020, virtually as part of the WERA Hot Topics Webinars.
Ebert, E., Schmitz, E., Morrison, D., & Bell, P. (2020). ClimeTime: The Washington State Climate Science Education Initiative. Presentation to the Board on Science Education, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine on January, 30, 2020, Irvine, CA, USA. Part of session on Climate Change Education.
Meyer, S. (2019). Building Classroom Climate Change Connections: How to Develop and Lead a STEM Seminar for Teacher Professional Development. Presented at the Western Regional National Science Teachers Association meeting, December 12-14, 2019, Seattle, WA, USA.
University of Washington
As I've built networks across the University itself I have engaged in work with the EarthLab and had many climate related learning conversations to make the University's climate outreach more coherent.
Guest Lecture
Designing learning for accelerating just climate action. In Environment 440 – Environmental Pedagogy, taught by Tim Billo in Spring 2021, Department of Environment, University of Washington, WA, USA. To be held virtually on February 18, 2021.
In December 2019, I was invited to participate in a broad network effort in California - UC–CSU Environmental and Climate Change Literacy Project and Summit (ECCLPS). I spent time at this event sharing learning from the ClimeTime project with ECCLPS leaders. Since this time I have kept in contact with leaders of this effort from Ten Strands, sharing learning as work in this area progresses.
New Jersey
As New Jersey has leaned into climate science learning, I have had several informal conversations with people in the state to share learning from Washington state's efforts to help inform implementation efforts within the state. I am now starting to engage in intentional within New Jersey contexts in collaborative work with researchers and educational leaders.
New York
New York has many terrific grass roots efforts to organize community based and justice centered climate learning. I have had numerous informal conversations with New York state networks as well as a few more formal briefings to share learning from Washington state and to learn from their efforts to inform work in other locations. The paper below specifically mentions the Washington ClimeTime effort, illustrating this type of cross-pollination of state efforts.
I am now also starting to expand work work with the New York Climate Exchange in several ways. This is an exciting partnership to explore how we might more broadly foster and coordinate climate learning across sectors, geographies, and generations.
2024, K-12 Climate Education Working Group, New York Climate Exchange.
Related Publication
Birney, L. B., Bergman, D., Fox, K., Hyde, A., Moore, D., Morrison, D. L., & Stephens, K. R. (2024). K-12 Climate Change Education within the New York Climate Exchange. White paper provided to the New York Climate Exchange from the K-12 Education Working Group.
Paredes, I. J., Farrell, S., & Gowayed, O. (2020). Standardizing Climate Education in New York State. Journal of Science Policy & Governance, 17(1). Retrieved from
Maine has been working on climate change education for some time. I have had the great privilege to collaborate with the Maine Environmental Education Association since 2021 and more recently with the Maine Department of Education.
2024, thought partner with Maine Department of Education and Maine Environmental Education Association on Climate Education Task Force, Maine Department of Education design and implementation
Maine Education Task Force launch meeting, April 9, 2024, invited speaker on Systems of Climate Learning In Parctice
Related Presentations
Bodor, S. & Morrison, D. (2021). The federal stage. Invited panel as part of the opening session keynotes for the Maine Climate Education Summit hosted by the Maine Environmental Education Association, June 7, 2021, virtually.