Systemic Justice in the Sciences

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Collaborations with Scientists

As a result of prior collaborations I have had the opportunity to write and present with several scientists around fostering equity and diversity in the sciences. Collaborations related to climate justice and climate science specifically are found on the different aspects of this work on the Climate Learning and Empowerment area of this site.


  • 2000, Educational Designer, Medical Sciences, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada.

Professional Learning

  • Morrison, D. (2015). Strategies for educating about controversial topics. Presentation at Colorado's Changing Energy Portfolio Workshop held on November 15, 2015 in CIRES in Boulder, CO, USA.

  • Ecosystem Health Case Study Modules, Medical Sciences, University of Western Ontario, ON, Canada, Spring 2000.

Related Publications

Morrison, D. & Steltzer, H. (In Press). Diverse values, philosophies and ideas beget innovation and resilience in ecology and for our world. Invited forum article in response to “Developing the ecological scientist mindset among underrepresented students in ecology fields” by Bowser & Cid in upcoming issue of Ecological Applications.

Smith, L.K., Rooney-Varga, J.N., Gold, A.U., Oonk, D., Morrison, D. (2015). Media Literacy as a Pathway to Bridge the Digital and STEM Divides: Interest Driven Media Projects for Teachers in the Trenches. In Urban, M. & Falvo, D. (Eds.), Improving K-12 STEM Education Outcomes through Technological Integration. Advances in Early Childhood and K-12 Education (AECKE), University of North Dakota. See

Related Presentations

Morrison, D., & Bell, P. (2018). Equity and STEM pedagogy: Explorations of STEM Teaching Tools that link research and practice. In H. A. Roop (Convener), PA21A: Communication of Science: Practice, research, and reflection I at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, 2018, Washington, DC, USA.

Morrison, D. (2014). Rural Science Education and Equity. Talk presented for the Diversity Professional Development Session at the national meeting for NASA’s Education and Public Outreach Programs, March 16, LPSC in Woodlands, TX, USA.

Aspen Global Change Institute and 500 Women Scientists

In the spring of I was asked by a collaborative group of folks from 500 Women Scientists, the Earth Science Women's Network, and the Aspen Global Change Institute to help facilitate a meeting of women scientists from across the US to consider how to disrupt the persistent gender disparity in the geosciences. This opportunity allowed me to develop an amazing collaboration among some of the leading scientists in the world working on issues of environmental sustainability and climate change, a collaboration which continues to foster new work in interesting and emergent directions.


  • Meeting facilitation for collaborative thinking and design sessions

  • Collaborative development of a guide for Inclusive Scientific Meetings.

Professional Learning Events

Related Publications

Haacker, R., Jack-Scott, E., & Morrison, D. (2020). Why diversity and inclusion at conferences matters. Chemistry World, February 26, 2020. Invited article.

Arnott, J., Bain, H., Barnes, R., Baron, J., Dutt, K., Gay-Antaki, M., Haacker, R., Lauer, R.J., Morris, A., Morrison, D., Nunez, A., Pendergrass, A., Steltzer, H., Thompson, L., & Zelikova, J. (2019). Inclusive scientific meetings: Where to start. 500 Women Scientists.