

In 2004, my partner and I became parents. Initially, I thought I would be able to go back to my work in the classroom after my leave but realized quite quickly that I couldn't seem to part with my daughter for the entire week. Somehow the focus in my life had shifted to the care and protection of this little bundle of joy, and again with her brother. I started to see the world in a different way than I had before. I understood the love of my father and grandmother on a deeper level. I found my relationship with my mother more problematic. I began to see my partner in a whole new way. This journey has been amazing!

The Early Years - In Photos

Justice and Environmental Sustainability

In becoming a parent, I began to think more deeply and feel more responsible to working towards both a just world for my children and the children of others. It was at this time that I started to really understand community responsibility more deeply than I ever had before. I began questioning my white and privileged positionality and how I could foster opportunities for others, particularly with respect to participation in science and democratic decisions facing us around climate change. I also started thinking deeply about the responsibility I have to raise children who are themselves agents of change in the world with respect to injustices and environmental sustainability.

The Preteen and Teen Years - In Photos