Learning Sciences & Science Learning

In my work I help educators reframe and reorganize learning in ways to build on students' natural curiosity and reduce or eliminate oppressive schooling structures. Learning can occur in respectful environments, content can be taught in ways that engage critical stance to knowledge, and learning should be centered on meaningful problems relevant to the lived worlds of our students in localized contexts. All of my work is centered on the goal of diversifying thought in society and science specifically to foster environmental literacy with the goal of addressing climate change awareness and action. I write collaboratively with a wide variety of scholars on a range of issues that are important to me and those with whom I work. 

STEM Teaching Tools

As part of my work with the Institute of Science and Math Education within the College of Education at the University of Washington, I have the terrific opportunity to coauthor briefs for educators, educational leaders, community, and scientists working in the field of education through the STEM Teaching Tools.

Related Publications

McCulloch, A., & Morrison, D. (Accepted - In Revision). How to reframe disciplinary action to keep learners in STEM learning contexts. STEM Teaching Tools Brief. University of Washington, STEM Teaching Tools.

Morrison, D., Lakhani, H., Bergsman, K., & Bell, P. (Accepted - In Revision). Measures of Practice for Sensing Teacher and Student Learning and Activity. STEM Teaching Tools Brief. University of Washington, STEM Teaching Tools.

Coleman, S., Chinn, P., Morrison, D., & Kaupp, L. (2019). How place-based science education strategies can support equity for students, teachers, and communities. STEM Teaching Tools Brief 57. University of Washington, STEM Teaching Tools.

McGowan, V. C., Klein, E., & Morrison, D. (2019). Engaging students in computational thinking during scientific investigations. STEM Teaching Tools Brief 56. University of Washington, STEM Teaching Tools.

Morrison, D., & Bell, P. (2018). How to build an equitable learning community in your science classroom. STEM Teaching Tools Brief 54. University of Washington, STEM Teaching Tools.

Bell, P., Rodriguez, A. J., Tzou, C., & Morrison, D. (2018). How to avoid known pitfalls associated with culturally responsive instruction. STEM Teaching Tools Brief 53. University of Washington, STEM Teaching Tools.

Morrison, D.  & Rhinehart, A. (2017). How can teachers guide classroom conversations to support students’ science learning? STEM Teaching Tools Brief 48. University of Washington, STEM Teaching Tools.

Morrison, D., Bell, P., Chowning, J., & Klein, E. (2017). Addressing controversial science topics in the K-12 classroom. STEM Teaching Tools Brief 44. University of Washington, STEM Teaching Tools.

Morrison, D., & Debarger, A. (2016). How can formative assessment support culturally responsive argumentation in a classroom community? STEM Teaching Tools Brief 25. University of Washington, STEM Teaching Tools.  

Bell, P., Morrison, D., & Debarger, A. (2015). How to launch STEM investigations that build on student and community interests and expertise. STEM Teaching Tools Brief 31. University of Washington, STEM Teaching Tools.

Related Presentations

Bell, P., & Morrison, D. (2020). STEM Teaching Tools: Free resources to support equitable 3-D science instruction. National Science Teachers Association, April 2-5, Boston, MA, USA. [Conference Cancelled]

Bell, P., Morrison, D., & Price, N. (2019). STEM Teaching Tools: Free resources to support equitable 3-D science instruction. A NGSS@NSTA Forum sponsored session at the National Science Teachers Association, April 11-14, St. Louis, MO, USA.

Morrison, D., & Bell, P. (2018). Equity and STEM pedagogy: Explorations of STEM Teaching Tools that link research and practice. In H. A. Roop (Convener), PA21A: Communication of Science: Practice, research, and reflection I at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, 2018, Washington, DC, USA.

Morrison, D. (2017). STEM Teaching Tools: Professional Learning Resources for Equitable 3D Instruction. Minnesota Science Leadership group, St.Paul-Minneapolis, MN, November 29, 2017. 

The ACESSE project has been, and continues to be, a significant part of my work. More on this effort can be found on the Systemic Justice in Science Education page.

Equity and Justice in Science Education Collaborations

As part of my work across the NARST and SEEDS communities, I have had  incredible opportunities to collaborate with so many amazing colleagues to further work in equity and justice in science education. Additionally, I have been involved with some fabulous folks through NSTA and ISME work. Below are examples of some of the work I have been involved with over the years.


Related Publications

Bell, P., & Morrison, D. (2020). Social justice-centered science teaching and learning. In “Social Justice in the Science Classroom”, May 2020 Next Gen Navigator, National Science Teacher Association. Guest editor for issue. Retrieved from https://www.nsta.org/blog/social-justice-science-classroom

Fortney, B., Morrison, D., Rodriguez, A. J., & Upadhyay, B. (2019). Equity in Science Teacher Education: Toward an Expanded Definition. Editorial for Special Issue of Cultural Studies in Education, 14(2), p.265-281.

Rodriguez, A. J. & Morrison, D. (2019). Expanding and enacting transformative meanings of equity, diversity and social justice in science education. Cultural Studies in Science Education, 14(2), p.259-263.

Morrison, D., & Bell, P. (2018). Equity and STEM pedagogy: Explorations of STEM Teaching Tools that link research and practice. In H. A. Roop (Convener), PA21A: Communication of Science: Practice, research, and reflection I at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, 2018, Washington, DC, USA.

Morrison, D. (2018). Whose interests and under whose control?: Interest convergence in science-focused school-community collaborations. Cultural Studies in Science Education, 13(1), 85-91.

Morrison, D. (2018). Building science-learning communities: Designing for equitable participation in scientific practices using students’ lived experiences. Chapter in Mendoza, E., Kirschner, B., & Gutierrez, K. (Eds), Power, Equity, and (Re)Design: Bridging Learning and Critical Theories in Learning Ecologies for Youth (Chapter 7, pp.113-132). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press. Peer Reviewed.

Patterson, A., Morrison, D., & Schindel, A. (2018). What’s science got to do with it?: Possibilities for social justice in science classroom teaching and learning. Chapter in Pennell, S., Boyd, A., Parkhouse, H., & LaGarry, A. (Eds.), Possibilities in Practice: Social Justice Teaching in the Disciplines (Chapter 12, pp. 145-158). Peter Lang. Peer Reviewed. See https://www.peterlang.com/view/product/79984?tab=reviews&result=6&rskey=QAOc1g

Related Presentations

Morrison, D., Arada, K., Chowning, J., Osuga, H., & Foster, J. (2020). Frameworks for disrupting anti-Blackness, colonization, and racism in the science classroom: Engaging in justice-centered science pedagogy. Washington and Oregon Science Teachers’ Association Joint Meeting, October 9-10, 2020 virtually.

Morrison, D., & Bell, P. (2019). Equity in science teacher education – Toward an expanded definition. , A NARST sponsored session at the National Science Teachers Association, April 11-14, St. Louis, MO, USA.

Morrison, D. (2019). Counter racism science pedagogy: Race, racism, and science through history and into our classrooms. National Science Teachers Association, April 11-14, St. Louis, MO, USA.

Chowning, J., Foster, J., & Morrison, D. (2019). Unpacking race in the science classroom. National Science Teachers Association, April 11-14, St. Louis, MO, USA.

Morrison, D. (2018). Unpacking “Race” in the Science Classroom. National Science Teachers Association Regional Meeting, Nov. 14-17, National Harbor, VI, USA.

Morrison, D. (2018). Counter-racism science pedagogy: Interrogating race, racism and the history of science in science classroom learning. Presentation for the 8th International Conference on Education and Social Justice, Oct. 5-7, 2018, Waikiki, HA, USA.                             

Foster, J., Nocella, M., & Morrison, D. (2018). Unpacking race in the science classroom. An Association of Multicultural Science Education (AMSE) session at the National Science Teachers Association, March 15-18, Atlanta, GA, USA.

Foster, J., Chowning, J., & Morrison, D. (2018). Teaching about the intersections of biology, race, and racism: Strategies, curriculum resources, and research. National Science Teachers Association, March 15-18, Atlanta, GA, USA.

Fortney, B., Morrison, D., Patterson, A., Szostkowski, A., & Upadhyay, B. (2018). Equity in science teacher education: Toward an expanded definition. National Association for Research on Science Teaching, March 10-13, Atlanta, GA, USA.

Nocella, M., & Morrison, D. (2017). Equity within NGSS: Strategies for culturally responsive teaching in the science classroom. National Science Teachers Association, March 30-April 2, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

Morrison, D. (2016). Building and Equitable Science Classroom Community: Strategies by and for Teachers. An Association of Multicultural Science Education (AMSE) session at the National Science Teachers Association Western Area Conference, November 10-12, Portland, OR, USA.

Morrison, D. (2016). White men aren’t the only scientists: Middle school students’ critical investigations into science. National Association for Research on Science Teaching, April 14-17, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Morrison, D. (2016). Strategies for promoting student participation in science practices: A teacher's organization of science classroom talk. National Association for Research on Science Teaching, April 14-17, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Morrison, D. (2016). Opportunities to Improve Equity in Your Classroom. An Association of Multicultural Science Education (AMSE) session, National Science Teachers Association, March 31-April 3, Nashville, TN, USA.

Morrison, D., & Geller, A. (2016). Video Pedagogies and Tools for Engaging in Ambitious Science Teaching Core Practices. Experiential session presented at the Association of Science Teacher Education (ASTE), January 7-9, Reno, NV, USA.

Morrison, D. (2015). A Teacher’s Power: Tangible Examples of Equity in Classroom Contexts. An Association of Multicultural Science Education (AMSE) session, National Science Teachers Association Area Conference, October 22-24, Reno, NV, USA.

Harris, D., Rodriguez, A., Morrison, D., & Morales-Doyle, D. (2015). Embracing Diversity in Science: Benefits and Challenges of Equitable Science Education from Multiple Perspectives. Invited panel, A NARST sponsored session at the National Science Teachers Association, March 12-15, Chicago, IL, USA.

Morrison, D. (2015). Lessons from Teachers to Improve Participation in Classroom Conversations for All Students. A NARST sponsored session at the National Science Teachers Association, March 12-15, Chicago, IL, USA.

Morrison, D. (2015). Critical Civic Inquiry In Science Contexts: Lessons from Teachers Engaging in Consciousness Raising and YPAR. An Association of Multicultural Science Education (AMSE) session, National Science Teachers Association, March 12-15, Chicago, IL, USA.

Morrison, D. & Peddicord, H. (2015). Don’t Tell, Let Them Inquire: Teaching Climate Science Through Data. National Science Teachers Association, March 12-15, Chicago, IL, USA.

Morrison, D. (2015). Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: How to Handle Diversity in the Elementary Classroom. National Science Teachers Association, March 12-15, Chicago, IL, USA.

Morrison, D., Barchenger, C., & Byers, J. (2015). Claims, Evidence, Reasoning, and Modeling Oh My!: Student Shifts in Classroom Discourse. National Science Teachers Association, March 12-15, Chicago, IL, USA.

Morrison, D., Barchenger, C., & Byers, J. (2015). Coaches’ Corner: How Teachers Help Other Teachers Engage with the NGSS Science Teaching Practices. National Science Teachers Association, March 12-15, Chicago, IL, USA.

Morrison, D. (2014). Critical Science Pedagogy Using A Youth Participatory Action Research Approach: Teachers’ Voice. American Educational Research Association, April 3-7, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Campanella, M., & Morrison, D. (2014). A Science Teacher's Power: Concrete Strategies for Improved Classroom Equity. An Association of Multicultural Science Education (AMSE) session, National Science Teachers Association, April 3-6, Boston, MA, USA.

Morrison, D. (2014). Teacher Voices on Participatory Action Research (PAR) in Science Classrooms: A Critical Race Theory Analysis. National Association for Research on Science Teaching, March 30 - April 2, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

Morrison, D. (2013). Critical Science Pedagogy: Intersections of PAR, Equity, and Climate Science. North American Association for Environmental Education, October 9-12, Baltimore, MD, USA. 

Morrison, D., & Jackson, D. (2013). A wolf in sheep’s clothing?: A workshop to examine Academic Freedom Bills being proposed to guide science education from a CRT lens. Critical Race Studies for Education Association. May 29-31. Nashville, TN, USA.

Morrison, D. (2013). Critical Science Pedagogy: Research Based Thinking about Teaching and Learning. An Association of Multicultural Science Education (AMSE) session, National Science Teachers Association, April 13, San Antonio, TX, USA.

Morrison, D. (2012). Science Education Equity Discoveries (SEEDs): Transforming Teaching by Enacting Research in Classroom Equity. An Association of Multicultural Science Education (AMSE) session, National Science Teachers Association regional meeting, December 6, Phoenix, AZ, USA.

Wiley, K., & Morrison, D. (2012). A Teacher’s Power: Taking Responsibility for Racism in the Classroom. Critical Race Studies for Education Association. May 31-June 2. New York, NY, USA.

Morrison, D. (2012). When Can I Have a Say?: The influence of citizenship, identity, and belonging on the definition of science learning within a participatory democracy. Critical Race Studies for Education Association conference. May 31-June 2. New York, NY, USA.

Her Many Horses, I., & Morrison, D. (2011). The relationship between school context and novice teachers’ views of students. American Educational Research Association, April 8-12, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Morrison, D., & Otero, V. (2010). Re-Mediation of University-Based Science Teacher Education. National Association of Research on Science Teaching, March 21-24, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Morrison, D., & Otero, V. (2009). Acculturation into Science Teaching: A Heterogeneous Process. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, October 8-10, Jackson Hole, WY, USA.

Science Formative Assessment as a Lever for Equity - University of Colorado Collaborations

Equity and Justice in Education Collaborations

During my graduate work and since that time I have had amazing collaborations with diverse folks across learning sciences and educational research fields. I have so many questions about racism, oppression in general, the lived worlds of students I think should be succeeding and participating in science but whom others view as unable, unmotivated or deficit in some other way. With my various collaborators I have had the honor and responsibility to focus on anti-oppression throughout all my work.


Guest Lectures

Related Publications

Annamma, S. A. & Morrison, D. (2018). Identifying dysfunctional education ecosystems: A DisCrit analysis of bias in the classroom. Equity & Excellence in Education, 51(2), p.114-131.

Annamma, S. A. & Morrison, D. (2018). DisCrit Classroom Ecology: Using praxis to dismantle dysfunctional education landscapes. Teaching and Teacher Education, 73, 70-80.

Kavanagh, S. S., Shahan, E., & Morrison, D. (2018). The core practices of the University of Washington’s U-ACT Program. In Pam Grossman (Ed.) Teaching core practices in teacher education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.

Kavanagh, S. S., Shahan, E., & Morrison, D. (2017). Core Practices of Teaching: A Primer. Seattle, WA: Teacher Education by Design (website resources at https://tedd.org/blog/core-practices-of-teaching-a-primer/).

Annamma, S. A., Jackson, D., & Morrison, D. (2017). Conceptualizing color-evasiveness: Using dis/ability critical race theory to expand a color-blind racial ideology in education and society. Race, Ethnicity and Education, 20(2), 147-162.

Morrison, D., Annamma, S.A., & Jackson, D. (Eds). (2017). Critical Race Spatial Analysis: Mapping to understand and address educational inequity. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing. Peer Reviewed. See https://sty.presswarehouse.com/books/BookDetail.aspx?productID=467834

Annamma, S.A., Morrison, D., & Jackson, D. (2017). Searching for educational equity through critical spatial analysis. In Morrison, D., Annamma, S.A., & Jackson, D. (Eds), Critical Race Spatial Analysis: Mapping to understand and address educational inequity (Chapter 1, pp. 3-7). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing. Peer Reviewed. See https://sty.presswarehouse.com/books/BookDetail.aspx?productID=467834

Morrison, D. & Garlick, G.S. (2017). Geospatial tools for use in educational equity research. In Morrison, D., Annamma, S.A., & Jackson, D. (Eds), Critical Race Spatial Analysis: Mapping to understand and address educational inequity (Chapter 4, pp. 51-66). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing. Peer Reviewed. See https://sty.presswarehouse.com/books/BookDetail.aspx?productID=467834

Morrison, D., Annamma, S.A., & Jackson, D. (2017). Critical Spatial Analysis in Education: Today and Tomorrow. In Morrison, D., Annamma, S.A., & Jackson, D. (Eds), Critical Race Spatial Analysis: Mapping to understand and address educational inequity (Chapter 10, pp. 167-172). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing. Peer Reviewed. See https://sty.presswarehouse.com/books/BookDetail.aspx?productID=467834

Annamma, S., Morrison, D., & Jackson, D. (2014). Disproportionality Fills in the Gaps: Connections Between Achievement, Discipline, and Special Education in the School-to-Prison Pipeline. Berkeley Review of Education, 5(1), 53-87.

Related Presentations

Annamma, S. A., Morrison, D., & Jackson, D. (2017). A critical sympathetic touch: Shifting from classroom management to dismantle the school to prison pipeline. American Educational Research Association, April 27-May 5, San Antonio, TX, USA.

Morrison, D. (2016). Critical race theory and spatial analysis: Cases of praxis to disrupt racial injustice. American Educational Research Association, April 8-12, Washington, DC, USA.

Annamma, S., Jackson, D., & Morrison, D. (2016). Conceptualizing Color-Evasiveness: Using Disability Critical Race Theory to Expand Notions of Color Blindness. American Educational Research Association, April 8-12, Washington, DC, USA.

Annamma, S., Morrison, D., Jackson, D., & Garlick, G.S. (2014). The Colorado School-to-Prison Pipeline: What Spatial Analysis Uncovered. American Educational Research Association, April 3-7, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Morrison, D., & Garlick, G.S. (2014). Understanding Spatial Components of Educational Equity Research. American Educational Research Association, April 3-7, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Annamma, S., Morrison, D., & Jackson, D. (2014). Disproportionality Fills in the Gaps: Special Education and the School-to-Prison Pipeline. American Educational Research Association, April 3-7, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Morrison, D., & Mendoza, E. (2013). Inquiry as a tool for mediated praxis in service of racial equity. Critical Race Studies for Education Association. May 29-31. Nashville, TN, USA.

Wiley, K., & Morrison, D. (2012). A Teacher’s Power: Taking Responsibility for Racism in the Classroom. Critical Race Studies for Education Association. May 31-June 2. New York, NY, USA.

Annamma, S, Morrison, D., & Jackson, D. (2011). Disproportionality Fills in the Gaps: Connections between achievement, discipline and special education in the school to prison pipeline. Critical Race Studies for Education Association. May 19-21. Austen, TX, USA.

Annamma, S., Bien, A., Jackson, D., Mendoza, E., Morrison, D., & Paguyo, C. (2010). Disrupting Racist Discourses: An Exercise in Praxis in a School of Education Community. Critical Race Studies in Education Association, May 13-15, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. 

As an Educator

Consulting Work

Due to many of my amazing peers and mentors all over the place I've had some great opportunities to consult on issues of science education and equity including working with 500 Women Scientists, Earth Science Women's Network, Aspen Global Change Institute, BVSD, NASA, TFA and the Billion People Project. Thanks to all those who have participated in this work as it is often difficult, both emotionally and in finding resources, to be able to engage in meaningful equity focused work in science education. I have run most of this consulting work through my own LLC.